
Peer-reviewed Publications

  1. Caitlin Lustig, Maya A Kaneko*, Meghna Gupta*, Kavita Dattani*, Audrey Desjardins, and Daniela Rosner. “Porous By Design: How Childcare Platforms Impact Worker Personhood, Safety, and Connection”. Conference on Designing Interactive Systems. 2024. [pdf] Best paper
  2. Maya A Kaneko, Caitlin Lustig, Daniela Rosner, and Audrey Desjardins. “Care Layering: Complicating Design Patterns”. Conference on Designing Interactive Systems. 2024. [pdf]
  3. Rebecca Michelson, Caitlin Lustig, Daniela Rosner, Josephine Hoy, and Dorothy R Santos. “Worlding with Tarot: Design, Divination, and the Technological Imagination”. Conference on Designing Interactive Systems. 2024. [pdf]
  4. Varoon Mathur, Caitlin Lustig, and Elizabeth Kaziunas. “Disordering Datasets: Sociotechnical Misalignments in AI-Mediated Behavioral Health”. Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing. 2022. [pdf]
  5. Caitlin Lustig and Daniela Rosner. “From Explainability to Ineffability? ML Tarot and the Possibility of Inspiriting Design”. Conference on Designing Interactive Systems. 2022. [pdf]
  6. Gabrielle Benabdallah, Ashten Alexander, Sourojit Ghosh, Chariell Glogovac-Smith, Lacey Jacoby, Caitlin Lustig, Anh Nguyen, Anna Parkhurst, Kathryn Reyes, Neilly H. Tan, Edward Wolcher, Afroditi Psarra, Daniela Rosner. “Slanted Speculation: Material Encounters with Algorithmic Bias”. Conference on Designing Interactive Systems. 2022. [pdf]
  7. Caitlin Lustig, Artie Konrad, Jed Brubaker. “Designing for the Bittersweet: Improving Sensitive Experiences with Recommender Systems”. CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 2022. [pdfBest paper
  8. Caitlin Lustig, Sean Rintel, Liane Scult, Siddharth Suri. “Stuck in the middle with you: The transaction costs of corporate employees hiring freelancers”. Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing. 2020. [pdf]
  9. Morgan Klaus Scheuerman, Kandrea Wade, Caitlin Lustig, Jed Brubaker. “How We’ve Taught Algorithms to See Identity: Constructing Race and Gender in Image Databases for Facial Analysis”. Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing. 2020. [pdf] Best paper Diversity and Inclusion
  10. Caitlin Lustig. “Intersecting Imaginaries: Visions of Decentralized Autonomous Systems.” Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing. 2019. [pdf]
  11. Jaime Snyder, Elizabeth Murnane, Caitlin Lustig, Stephen Voida. “Visually Encoding the Lived Experience of Bipolar Disorder.” CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 2019. [pdf]
  12. Yong Ming Kow and Caitlin Lustig. “Imaginaries and Crystallization Processes in Bitcoin Infrastructuring.” Journal of Computer Supported Cooperative Work (JCSCW). 2018.
  13. Caitlin Lustig and Bonnie Nardi. “Algorithmic Authority: The Case of Bitcoin”. Proceedings of HICSS-48. 2015.
  14. Ruth E. Anderson, Waylon Brunette, Erica Johnson, Caitlin Lustig, Anthony Poon, Cynthia Putnam, Odina Salihbaeva, Beth E. Kolko, Gaetano Borriello. “Experiences with a Transportation Information System that Uses Only GPS and SMS”. ICTD. 2010.
  15. Ruth E. Anderson, Anthony Poon, Caitlin Lustig, Waylon Brunette, Gaetano Borriello and Beth E. Kolko. “Building a Transportation Information System Using Only GPS and Basic SMS Infrastructure”. ICTD. 2009.

Extended Abstracts

  1. DeVito, Michael Ann, Caitlin Lustig, Ellen Simpson, Kimberley R. Allison, Tya Chuanromanee, Katta Spiel, Amy J. Ko, Jennifer Rode, Brianna Dym, Michael Muller, Morgan Scheuerman, Ashley Walker. “Queer in HCI: Strengthening the Community of LGBTQIA+ Researchers and Research”. Extended Abstracts of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 2021.
  2. Michael Ann DeVito, Ashley Marie Walker, Caitlin Lustig, Amy J. Ko, Katta Spiel, Alex A. Ahmed, Kimberley Allison, Morgan Scheuerman, Brianna Dym, Jed R. Brubaker, Ellen Simpson, Naveen Bagalkot, Noopur Raval, Michael Muller, Jennifer Rode, Mary L. Gray, “SIG: Queer in HCI: Supporting LGBTQIA+ Researchers and Research Across Domains”. Extended Abstracts of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 2020. [pdf]
  3. Chris Elsden, Bettina Nissen, Karim Jabbar, Reem Talhouk, Caitlin Lustig, Paul Dunphy, Chris Speed, and John Vines. “HCI for Blockchain: Studying, Designing, Critiquing and Envisioning Distributed Ledger Technologies.” Extended Abstracts of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 2018.
  4. Caitlin Lustig, Katie Pine, Bonnie Nardi, Lilly Irani, Min Kyung Lee, Dawn Nafus, and Christian Sandvig. “Algorithmic Authority: the Ethics, Politics, and Economics of Algorithms that Interpret, Decide, and Manage”. Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 2016.
  5. Susann Wagenknecht, Min Lee, Caitlin Lustig, Jacki O’Neill, and Himanshu Zade. “Algorithms at Work: Empirical Diversity, Analytic Vocabularies, Design Implications”. Proceedings of the 19th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing Companion. 2016.

Workshop and Non-Archival Papers

  1. Caitlin Lustig, Ridley Jones, Josephine Hoy, Negin Alimohammadi, and Charlotte P. Lee. “Resilience and the Rapid Shift to Remote Working at a University: Emerging Questions”. The New Future of Work Symposium. 2020. [webpage] [pdf] [video]
  2. Jed R. Brubaker, Caitlin Lustig, Gillian R. Hayes. “PatientsLikeMe: Empowerment and Representation in a Patient Centered Social Network”. “CSCW Research in Healthcare: Past, Present, and Future” workshop at CSCW 2010. February, 2010.
  3. Caitlin Lustig, Hristo Novatchkov, Lucy Dunne, Mike McHugh and Lorcan Coyle. “Using Colocation to Support Human Memory.” MeMos 2007: Supporting Human Memory with Interactive Systems. Workshop at the 2007 British HCI International Conference. 2007.


  1. Josephine Hoy, Caitlin Lustig, Daniela Rosner. Book review of Failure by Arjun Appadurai and Neta Alexander. New Media & Society. 2022. [link]
  2. Elizabeth Murnane, Caitie Lustig, Tara Walker, Beck Tench, Stephen Voida, and Jaime Snyder. “Personal Informatics in Interpersonal Contexts: Towards the Design of Technology that Supports the Social Ecologies of Long-Term Mental Health Management”. 2019. [link]
  3. Nicholas Proferes, Alissa Centivany, Caitlin Lustig, and Jed Brubaker. “Studying User Perceptions and Experiences with Algorithms”. International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM) 2017.
  4. Caitlin Lustig. The University of California, Irvine’s Celebration of Graduate Success booklet, 2016.
  5. John Seberger, Caitlin Lustig, Andy Echenique. “Music for Labs”. Society for Social Studies of Science 2013.
  6. Caitlin Lustig and Lorcan Coyle. “Reminding Short-Term Memory Sufferers to Complete Routine Tasks.” University College Dublin. UCDCSI Technical Report 2007-10. 2007.